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Namespace Pot.Debug

Defined in: <pot.js>.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Debugging utilities.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Output to the console using log function for debug.
Pot.Debug.dump(val, (recursiveLimit), (lengthLimit))
Dump and returns all of object as string.
Output to the console using 'error' function for error logging.
Namespace Detail
Debugging utilities.
Method Detail
<static> {Function} Pot.Debug.debug(msg)
Output to the console using log function for debug.
  debug('hoge'); // hoge
{*} msg
A log message, or variable.

<static> {Function} Pot.Debug.dump(val, (recursiveLimit), (lengthLimit))
Dump and returns all of object as string.
  var reg = /^[a-z]+$/g;
  var err = new Error('error!');
  var str = new String('hello');
  var arr = [1, 2, 3, {a: 4, b: 5, c: true}, false, null, void 0];
  var obj = {
    key1 : 'val1',
    key2 : 'val2',
    arr  : arr,
    arr2 : arr,
    strs : [str, str],
    err  : err,
    err2 : err,
    reg1 : reg,
    reg2 : reg,
    reg3 : reg
  obj.obj = obj;
  Pot.debug( Pot.dump(obj) );
  // @results
  //   #0 {
  //     key1: "val1",
  //     key2: "val2",
  //     arr: #3 [
  //       1,
  //       2,
  //       3,
  //       {
  //         a: 4,
  //         b: 5,
  //         c: true
  //       },
  //       false,
  //       null,
  //       undefined
  //     ],
  //     arr2: #3,
  //     strs: [
  //       #5 (new String("hello")),
  //       #5
  //     ],
  //     err: #6 (new Error("error!")),
  //     err2: #6,
  //     reg1: #8 (new RegExp(/^[a-z]+$/g)),
  //     reg2: #8,
  //     reg3: #8,
  //     obj: #0
  //   }
{*} val
A target object/value.
{(Number)} (recursiveLimit)
(Optional) recursive limit. (default = 16)
{(Number)} (lengthLimit)
(Optional) length limit. (default = 1024)
{String} dumped string.

<static> {Function} Pot.Debug.error(msg)
Output to the console using 'error' function for error logging.
  Pot.error('Error!'); // Error!
{*} msg
An error message, or variable.

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