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Namespace Pot.Format

Defined in: <pot.js>.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Format utilities.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Formats to a string by arguments.
Namespace Detail
Format utilities.
Method Detail
<static> {Function} Pot.Format.format(fmt)
Formats to a string by arguments.
  var result = format('#1 + #2 + #3', 10, 20, 30);
  // @results '10 + 20 + 30'
  var result = format('J#1v#1#2 ECMA#2', 'a', 'Script');
  // @results 'JavaScript ECMAScript'
{String} fmt
A string format.
{...*} (...)
Format arguments.
{String} Returns a formatted string.

<static> {Function} Pot.Format.sprintf(format)
sprintf. This function is compatible with PHP sprintf function that was referenced from the PHP source code.
  var num = 5;
  var place = 'tree';
  var result = sprintf('There are %d monkeys in the %s.', num, place);
  // @results 'There are 5 monkeys in the tree.'
  var n =  43951789;
  var u = -43951789;
  var c = 65; // ASCII 65 is 'A'
  // notice the double %%, this prints a literal '%' character
  debug(sprintf("%%b = '%b'", n)); // binary
  debug(sprintf("%%c = '%c'", c)); // print the ascii character
  debug(sprintf("%%d = '%d'", n)); // standard integer
  debug(sprintf("%%e = '%e'", n)); // scientific notation
  debug(sprintf("%%u = '%u'", n)); // unsigned integer (positive)
  debug(sprintf("%%u = '%u'", u)); // unsigned integer (negative)
  debug(sprintf("%%f = '%f'", n)); // floating point
  debug(sprintf("%%o = '%o'", n)); // octal
  debug(sprintf("%%s = '%s'", n)); // string
  debug(sprintf("%%x = '%x'", n)); // hexadecimal (lower-case)
  debug(sprintf("%%X = '%X'", n)); // hexadecimal (upper-case)
  debug(sprintf("%%+d = '%+d'", n)); // sign specifier (positive)
  debug(sprintf("%%+d = '%+d'", u)); // sign specifier (negative)
  debug(sprintf("%%a = '%a'", n)); // base 36 format (lower-case)
  debug(sprintf("%%A = '%A'", n)); // base 36 format (upper-case)
  // @results
  //   %b = '10100111101010011010101101'
  //   %c = 'A'
  //   %d = '43951789'
  //   %e = '4.395179e+7'
  //   %u = '43951789'
  //   %u = '4251015507'
  //   %f = '43951789.000000'
  //   %o = '247523255'
  //   %s = '43951789'
  //   %x = '29ea6ad'
  //   %X = '29EA6AD'
  //   %+d = '+43951789'
  //   %+d = '-43951789'
  //   %a = 'q61f1'
  //   %A = 'Q61F1'
  var date  = new Date();
  var year  = date.getFullYear();
  var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
  var day   = date.getDate();
  var isoDate = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', year, month, day);
  // @results '2011-09-01'
  var s = 'monkey';
  var t = 'many monkeys';
  debug(sprintf("[%s]",      s)); // standard string output
  debug(sprintf("[%10s]",    s)); // right-justification with spaces
  debug(sprintf("[%-10s]",   s)); // left-justification with spaces
  debug(sprintf("[%010s]",   s)); // zero-padding works on strings too
  debug(sprintf("[%'#10s]",  s)); // use the custom padding character '#'
  debug(sprintf("[%10.10s]", t)); // left-justification but with a
                                  //   cutoff of 10 characters
  // @results
  //   [monkey]
  //   [    monkey]
  //   [monkey    ]
  //   [0000monkey]
  //   [####monkey]
  //   [many monke]
  Pot.debug(Pot.sprintf('%n', 1234567890)); // 1,234,567,890
  Pot.debug(Pot.sprintf('%n', 12345678.9)); // 12,345,678.9
  Pot.debug(Pot.sprintf('%n', 123));        // 123
{String} format
The format string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (excluding %) that are copied directly to the result, and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching its own parameter.
{...*} (...)
The variable arguments that will be conversion specifier value.
{String} The result string.
Extended type specifiers:

  - a : Return the string in lowercase the result encoded in base 36.
  - A : Return the string in uppercase the result encoded in base 36.
  - n : Return the string that is formatted number with grouped thousands.

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