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Namespace Pot.Struct

Defined in: <pot.js>.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Pot.Struct.bind(func, self)
Creates a new function with specified context and arguments.
Clears the object that is any types.
Clone an object.
Pot.Struct.contains(object, subject)
Whether the object contains the given subject.
Count the object items then return total number.
Pot.Struct.equals(object, subject, (func))
Compares two objects for equality.
Pot.Struct.explode(string, (delimiter), (separator))
Separate a string by specified delimiter and separator, then returns a converted object.
Pot.Struct.fill(defaults, value, count)
Fill the first argument value with in the specific value.
Pot.Struct.first(o, keyOnly)
Get the first orders value in object.
Get the first orders key in object.
Flips the object.
Joins the all arguments to a string.
Pot.Struct.implode(object, (delimiter), (separator), (tail))
Return a string that is joined by the object keys and values.
Pot.Struct.invoke(object, method, (args))
Call the function with unknown number arguments.
Collect the object key names like ES5's Object.keys().
Pot.Struct.last(o, keyOnly)
Get the last orders value in object.
Get the last orders key in object.
Creates an object from a key-value pairs.
Create a new function like Function.bind, except that a "this" is not required.
Pot.Struct.remove(object, subject, (loose))
Return the copy object that was removed a subject value.
Pot.Struct.removeAll(object, subject, (loose))
Return the copy object that was removed all subject value.
Pot.Struct.removeAt(object, index, (length))
Return the copy object that was removed a subject value.
Reverse the object.
Shuffle an object and returns it.
Pot.Struct.tuple(items, (callback), (defaultType))
Revert to an object from items() format array.
Pot.Struct.unzip(zipped, (callback))
Revert to an object from zip() format array.
Collect the object values.
Namespace Detail
Struct. Object and Function object utilities.
Method Detail
<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.bind(func, self)
Creates a new function with specified context and arguments.
  var Hoge = function() {
    this.msg = 'Hello Hoge!';
  Hoge.prototype.sayHoge = function() {
  var hoge = new Hoge();
  // direct
  setTimeout(hoge.sayHoge, 1000); // undefined
  // bind
  setTimeout(bind(hoge.sayHoge, hoge), 1000); // Hello Hoge!
  // use arguments
  Hoge.prototype.sayHoges = function(msg) {
    debug(this.msg + msg);
  // direct
  setTimeout(hoge.sayHoges, 1000); // NaN
  // bind
  setTimeout(bind(hoge.sayHoges, hoge, 'Hi!'), 1000); // Hello Hoge!Hi!
{Function} func
A function to partially apply.
{*} self
Specifies the object as "this". If the value is unspecified, it will default to the global object.
{...*} (...)
Additional arguments that are partially applied to the function.
{Function} A new function that will invoked with original context and partially-applied arguments.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.clearObject(o)
Clears the object that is any types.
  var obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3};
  // @results  obj = {}
  var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  // @results  arr = []
{*} o
A target object.
{*} Return argument `o`.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.clone(o)
Clone an object.
  var obj1 = {key: 'value'};
  var obj2 = clone(obj1);
  obj2.hoge = 'fuga';
  debug(obj1.hoge);  // undefined
  debug(obj2.hoge);  // 'fuga'
{*} o
Target object.
{*} Cloned object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.contains(object, subject)
Whether the object contains the given subject.
  var obj = {foo: 10, bar: 20, baz: 30};
  debug(contains(obj, 20));    // true
  debug(contains(obj, 50));    // false
  var arr = [10, 20, 30, 'foo', 'bar'];
  debug(contains(arr, 20));    // true
  debug(contains(arr, 75));    // false
  debug(contains(arr, 'foo')); // true
  debug(contains(arr, 'FOO')); // false
  var str = 'foobarbaz';
  debug(contains(str, 'A'));   // false
  debug(contains(str, 'foo')); // true
  debug(contains(str, '123')); // false
  var num = 12345;
  debug(contains(num, 1));     // true
  debug(contains(num, 45));    // true
  debug(contains(num, 7));     // false
{*} object
The object to test for the presence of the element.
{*} subject
The object for which to test.
{Boolean} true if subject is present.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.count(o)
Count the object items then return total number.
  debug(count({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}));              // 3
  debug(count({}));                              // 0
  debug(count([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));                 // 5
  debug(count([]));                              // 0
  debug(count(new Object('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))); // 3
  debug(count(new Array(100)));                  // 100
  debug(count(null));                            // 0
  debug(count((void 0)));                        // 0
  debug(count('hoge'));                          // 4
  debug(count(''));                              // 0
  debug(count(new String('hoge')));              // 4
  debug(count(100));                             // 100
  debug(count(0));                               // 0
  debug(count(-1));                              // 1
  debug(count((function() {})));                 // 0
  var f = function() {}; = 1; = 2;
  debug(count(f));  // 2
{Object|*} o
The target object.
{Number} The total count.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.equals(object, subject, (func))
Compares two objects for equality. If two objects have same length and same scalar value then will return true. Otherwise will return false.
  var obj1 = {foo: 10, bar: 20, baz: 30};
  var obj2 = {foo: 10, bar: 20, baz: 30};
  var obj3 = {a: 'hoge', b: 'fuga'};
  debug(equals(obj1, obj2)); // true
  debug(equals(obj1, obj3)); // false
  var obj4 = {};
  var obj5 = {};
  debug(equals(obj4, obj5)); // true
  var arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
  var arr2 = [1, 2, 3];
  var arr3 = [1, 2, 10];
  debug(equals(arr1, arr2)); // true
  debug(equals(arr1, arr3)); // false
  var arr4 = [];
  var arr5 = [];
  debug(equals(arr4, arr5)); // true
  var cmp = function(a, b) {
    return a == b ||
      String(a).toLowerCase() == String(b).toLowerCase();
  var arr6 = [1, 2, 'foo', 'bar'];
  var arr7 = ['1', 2, 'FOO', 'baR'];
  debug(equals(arr6, arr7, cmp)); // true
  var func1 = (function() {});
  var func2 = (function() {});
  var func3 = (function() { return this; });
  debug(equals(func1, func2)); // true
  debug(equals(func1, func3)); // false
  var date1 = new Date();
  var date2 = new Date(date1.getTime());
  var date3 = new Date(date1.getTime() + 100);
  debug(equals(date1, date2)); // true
  debug(equals(date1, date3)); // false
  var str1 = 'foobarbaz';
  var str2 = 'foobarbaz';
  var str3 = 'hoge';
  debug(equals(str1, str2)); // true
  debug(equals(str1, str3)); // false
  var num1 = 12345;
  var num2 = 12345;
  var num3 = 12345.455512;
  var num4 = 12345.443556;
  var num5 = 12345.443556999;
  debug(equals(num1, num2)); // true
  debug(equals(num1, num3)); // false
  debug(equals(num3, num4)); // false
  debug(equals(num4, num5)); // true
{Array|Object|*} object
The first object to compare.
{Array|Object|*} subject
The second object to compare.
{Function} (func)
(Optional) The comparison function. e.g. function(a, b) { return a == b; } Should take 2 arguments to compare, and return true if the arguments are equal. Defaults to which compares the elements using the built-in '===' operator.
{Boolean} Whether the two objects are equal.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.explode(string, (delimiter), (separator))
Separate a string by specified delimiter and separator, then returns a converted object. This function works like the opposite "implode".
  var string = 'color:blue;margin:5px;';
  var result = explode(string, ':', ';');
  // @results {color: 'blue', margin: '5px'}
  var string = 'foo=1&bar=2&baz=3';
  var result = explode(string, {delimiter: '=', separator: '&'});
  // @results {foo: '1', bar: '2', baz: '3'}
  var string = 'A : 1, B:2, C: 3;';
  var result = explode(string, {
        delimiter : /(?:\s*:\s*)/,
        separator : /(?:\s*[,;]\s*)/
  // @results {A: '1', B: '2', C: '3'}
{String} string
The subject string.
{String|RegExp} (delimiter)
The split character of each property name and value. (default = ':').
{String|RegExp} (separator)
The character string that will be split by the following property and previous property. (default = ',').
{Object} The result object that separated from a string.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.fill(defaults, value, count)
Fill the first argument value with in the specific value. The available first argument types are Array and String, and Object.
  debug(fill([1, 2], 3, 5));
  // @results [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
  debug(fill([], null, 3));
  // @results [null, null, null]
  debug(fill('foo', 'o', 10));
  // @results 'foooooooooooo'
  debug(fill('', 'hoge', 5));
  // @results 'hogehogehogehogehoge'
  debug(fill({}, 2, 5));
  // @results {'0': 2, '1': 2, '2': 2, '3': 2, '4': 2}
  debug(fill({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, null));
  // @results {a: null, b: null, c: null}
  debug(fill(100, 5, 10));
  // @results 5555555555100
{Array|String|Object|Number|*} defaults
The default value. This object value does not replace. use returned value.
{*} value
The value to fill the object.
{Number} count
The number of times to fill the object.
{Array|String|Object|Number|*} The result of filled.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.first(o, keyOnly)
Get the first orders value in object.
  debug(first({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}));   // 1
  debug(first({}));                   // undefined
  debug(first([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));      // 1
  debug(first([]));                   // undefined
  debug(first({a: 'foo', b: 'bar'})); // 'foo'
  debug(first(new Array(100)));       // undefined
  debug(first(null));                 // undefined
  debug(first((void 0)));             // undefined
  debug(first('hoge'));               // 'h'
  debug(first(''));                   // ''
  debug(first(new String('hoge')));   // 'h'
  debug(first(123));                  // 3
  debug(first(0));                    // 0
  debug(first(-123));                 // 3
{Object|Array|*} o
The target object.
{*} The first value in object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.firstKey(o)
Get the first orders key in object.
  debug(firstKey({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}));   // 'a'
  debug(firstKey({}));                   // undefined
  debug(firstKey([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));      // 0
  debug(firstKey([]));                   // undefined
  debug(firstKey({a: 'foo', b: 'bar'})); // 'a'
  debug(firstKey(new Array(100)));       // undefined
  debug(firstKey(null));                 // undefined
  debug(firstKey((void 0)));             // undefined
  debug(firstKey('hoge'));               // 0
  debug(firstKey(''));                   // null
  debug(firstKey(new String('hoge')));   // 0
  debug(firstKey(123));                  // 0
  debug(firstKey(0));                    // 0
  debug(firstKey(-123));                 // 0
{Object|Array|*} o
The target object.
{*} The first key in object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.flip(o)
Flips the object.
  debug(flip({foo: 'A', bar: 'B', baz: 'C'}));
  // @results {A: 'foo', B: 'bar', C: 'baz'}
{Object|Array|*} o
A target object.
{Object|*} The result object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.glue(args)
Joins the all arguments to a string.
  debug(glue([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
  // @results '12345'
  debug(glue('foo', 'bar', 'baz'));
  // @results 'foobarbaz'
  debug(glue(1, [2, 3, ['foo']], ['bar', 'baz']));
  // @results '123foobarbaz'
{Array|...*} args
The target items.
{String} The joined string from array.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.implode(object, (delimiter), (separator), (tail))
Return a string that is joined by the object keys and values. Arguments can passed in any order. (The first will be the `delimiter` as a string). If the `tail` is given as string then will be append the `tail` itself to string.
  debug(implode({color: 'blue', margin: '5px'}, ':', ';', true));
  // @results 'color:blue;margin:5px;'
  // Arguments can passed in any order.
  // (The first will be the `delimiter` as a string).
  debug(implode('+', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, '*'));
  // @results 'a+1*b+2*c+3'
  // If the `tail` is given as string
  //  then will be append the `tail` itself to string.
  debug(implode('>>', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, '^', '==?'));
  // @results 'a>>1^b>>2^c>>3==?'
{Object} object
The target object.
{String} (delimiter)
The combining character of each property name and value. (default = ':').
{String} (separator)
The character string that will be combined by the following property and previous property. (default = ',').
{Boolean} (tail)
If given "true" then will put `separator` to the end of the string.
{String} The combined string.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.invoke(object, method, (args))
Call the function with unknown number arguments. That is for cases where JavaScript sucks built-in function like alert() on IE or other-browser when calls the Function.apply.
  debug(invoke(window, 'alert', 100));
  debug(invoke(document, 'getElementById', 'container'));
  debug(invoke(window, 'setTimeout', function() { debug(1); }, 2000));
{Object} object
The context object (e.g. window)
{String} method
The callable function name.
{Array|...*} (args)
The function arguments.
{*} The result of the called function.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.keys(o)
Collect the object key names like ES5's Object.keys().
  var obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3};
  // @results ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  var array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
  // @results [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
  delete array[2];
  // @results [0, 1, 3, 4]
{Object} o
The target object.
{Array} The collected key names as an array.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.last(o, keyOnly)
Get the last orders value in object.
  debug(last({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}));   // 3
  debug(last({}));                   // undefined
  debug(last([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));      // 5
  debug(last([]));                   // undefined
  debug(last({a: 'foo', b: 'bar'})); // 'bar'
  debug(last(new Array(100)));       // undefined
  debug(last(null));                 // undefined
  debug(last((void 0)));             // undefined
  debug(last('hoge'));               // 'e'
  debug(last(''));                   // ''
  debug(last(new String('hoge')));   // 'e'
  debug(last(123));                  // 1
  debug(last(0));                    // 0
  debug(last(-123));                 // 1
{Object|Array|*} o
The target object.
{*} The last value in object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.lastKey(o)
Get the last orders key in object.
  debug(lastKey({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}));   // 'c'
  debug(lastKey({}));                   // undefined
  debug(lastKey([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));      // 4
  debug(lastKey([]));                   // undefined
  debug(lastKey({a: 'foo', b: 'bar'})); // 'b'
  debug(lastKey(new Array(100)));       // undefined
  debug(lastKey(null));                 // undefined
  debug(lastKey((void 0)));             // undefined
  debug(lastKey('hoge'));               // 3
  debug(lastKey(''));                   // null
  debug(lastKey(new String('hoge')));   // 3
  debug(lastKey(123));                  // 2
  debug(lastKey(0));                    // 0
  debug(lastKey(-123));                 // 2
{Object|Array|*} o
The target object.
{*} The last key in object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.pairs()
Creates an object from a key-value pairs.
  debug(pairs('key', 'value'));
  // @results {key : 'value'}
  debug(pairs('key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2'));
  // @results {key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'}
  // @results {key: undefined}
  debug(pairs(['key', 'value']));
  // @results {key: 'value'}
  debug(pairs('key1', 1, ['key2', 2], 'key3', 3));
  // @results {key1: 1, key2: 2, key3: 3}
  debug(pairs(['a', 1, ['b', 2, [{c: 3}, 'd', 4]]]));
  // @results {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
{String|*} (...)
The key-value pairs.
{Object} The created object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.partial(func)
Create a new function like Function.bind, except that a "this" is not required. That is useful when the target function is already bound.
  function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;
  var add2 = partial(add, 2);
  var result = add2(5);
  // @results 7
{Function} func
A function to partially apply.
{...*} (...)
Additional arguments that are partially applied to `func`.
{Function} A new function that will invoked with partially-applied arguments.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.remove(object, subject, (loose))
Return the copy object that was removed a subject value.
  // String
  debug(remove('foo bar baz', 'o'));            // 'fo bar baz'
  debug(remove('foo bar baz', 'bar'));          // 'foo  baz'
  // Array
  debug(remove([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2));            // [1, 3, 4, 5]
  debug(remove([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], '3'));          // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  debug(remove([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], '3', true));    // [1, 2, 4, 5]
  // Object
  debug(remove({A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}, 2));         // {A: 1, C: 3}
  debug(remove({A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}, '3'));       // {A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}
  debug(remove({A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}, '3', true)); // {A: 1, B: 2}
  // Number
  debug(remove(1234512345, 2));                 // 134512345
  debug(remove(1234512345, 123));               // 4512345
{*} object
The target value.
{*} subject
The subject value.
{Boolean} (loose)
Whether to use loose compare operator(==). Default is strict operator(===).
{*} The removed value.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.removeAll(object, subject, (loose))
Return the copy object that was removed all subject value.
  // String
  debug(removeAll('foo bar baz', 'o'));            // 'f bar baz'
  debug(removeAll('foo bar baz', 'ba'));           // 'foo r z'
  // Array
  debug(removeAll([1, 2, 3, 1, 2], 2));            // [1, 3, 1]
  debug(removeAll([1, 2, 3, 1, 2], '2'));          // [1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
  debug(removeAll([1, 2, 3, 1, 2], '2', true));    // [1, 3, 1]
  // Object
  debug(removeAll({A: 1, B: 2, C: 2}, 2));         // {A: 1}
  debug(removeAll({A: 1, B: 2, C: 2}, '2'));       // {A: 1, B: 2, C: 2}
  debug(removeAll({A: 1, B: 2, C: 2}, '2', true)); // {A: 1}
  // Number
  debug(removeAll(1234512345, 2));                 // 13451345
  debug(removeAll(1234512345, 123));               // 4545
{*} object
The target value.
{*} subject
The subject value.
{Boolean} (loose)
Whether to use loose compare operator(==). Default is strict operator(===).
{*} The removed value.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.removeAt(object, index, (length))
Return the copy object that was removed a subject value.
  // String
  debug(removeAt('foo bar baz', 2));         // 'fo bar baz'
  debug(removeAt('foo bar baz', 2, 5));      // 'fo baz'
  debug(removeAt('foo bar baz', 100));       // 'foo bar baz'
  // Array
  debug(removeAt([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2));       // [1, 2, 4, 5]
  debug(removeAt([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 2));    // [1, 2, 5]
  debug(removeAt([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], -1, 5));   // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  // Object
  debug(removeAt({A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}, 2));    // {A: 1, B: 2}
  debug(removeAt({A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}, 1, 5)); // {A: 1}
  debug(removeAt({A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}, 5));    // {A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}
  // Number
  debug(removeAt(1234512345, 2));            // 123451245
  debug(removeAt(1234512345, 2, 3));         // 1234545
  debug(removeAt(-1234512345, 2, 3));        // -1234545
{*} object
The target value.
{Number} index
The start index.
{Number} (length)
(Optional) The removal length (default=1).
{*} The removed value.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.reverse(o)
Reverse the object.
  debug(reverse({foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}));
  // @results {baz: 3, bar: 2, foo: 1}
  debug(reverse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
  // @results [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
  // @results 'cba321'
{Object|Array|*} o
A target object.
{Object|*} The result object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.shuffle(array)
Shuffle an object and returns it. This function keeps the original object intact.
  debug(shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]));
  // @results  e.g. (uncertain)
  //   [8, 1, 6, 4, 3, 5, 2, 7, 9]
  debug(shuffle(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));
  // @results  e.g.
  //   ['bar', 'foo', 'baz']
  // @results  e.g.
  //   25143
  // @results  e.g.
  //   -276195348.9908833
  debug(shuffle({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5}));
  // @results  e.g.
  //   {c: 3, b: 2, d: 4, e: 5, a: 1}
  // @results  e.g.
  //   'ae2d135cb4f'
{Array} array
A target array.
{Array} An array of result.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.tuple(items, (callback), (defaultType))
Revert to an object from items() format array.
  var array = [['foo', 1], ['bar', 2], ['baz', 3]];
  // @results {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3}
  var array = [['foo', 1, 'bar', 2], {baz: 3}, ['A', 4, 'B']];
  // @results {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3, A: 4, B: (void 0)}
  // Callback function usage:
  var array = [['A', 1], ['B', 2], ['C', 3]];
  var func = function(key, val) {
    return ['[' + key + ']', '{' + val + '}'];
  debug(tuple(array, func));
  // @results {'[A]': '{1}', '[B]': '{2}', '[C]': '{3}'}
  // Example to specify the type of result:
  var array = [['prototype', 1], ['__iterator__', 2], ['__proto__', 3]];
  debug(tuple(array, new Pot.Hash()).toJSON());
  // @results {"prototype": 1, "__iterator__": 2, "__proto__": 3}
  // Example to specify the type of result
  //   (enables Array, Object, Pot.Hash etc.):
  var array = [['A', 1], ['B', 2], ['C', 3]];
  var func = function(key, val) {
    return '(' + key + ':' + val + ')';
  debug(tuple(array, func, []));
  // @results ['(A:1)', '(B:2)', '(C:3)']
{Array} items
The target object.
{Function|*} (callback)
(Optional) Callback function.
{*} (defaultType)
(Optional) An object literal to specify the type of result.
{Object} The collected object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.unzip(zipped, (callback))
Revert to an object from zip() format array.

  arguments:  [[1, 4],
               [2, 5],
               [3, 6]]

  results:    [1, 2, 3],
              [4, 5, 6]


  arguments:  [[{a: 1}, {d: 4}],
               [{b: 2}, {e: 5}],
               [{c: 3}, {f: 6}]]

  results:    {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3},
              {d: 4, e: 5, f: 6}
  debug(unzip([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]));
  // @results
  //   [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
  debug(unzip([[{a: 1}, {d: 4}], [{b: 2}, {e: 5}], [{c: 3}, {f: 6}]]));
  // @results
  //   [{a:1, b:2, c:3}, {d:4, e:5, f:6}]
  var callback = function(a, b, c) { return a + b + c; };
  debug(unzip([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]], callback));
  // @results
  //   [6, 15]
{Array} zipped
Target array.
{Function|*} (callback)
(Optional) Callback function.
{Array} The collected array object.

<static> {Function} Pot.Struct.values(o)
Collect the object values.
  var obj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3};
  // @results [1, 2, 3]
  var array = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
  // @results ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
  delete array[1];
  // @results ['foo', 'baz']
{Object} o
The target object.
{Array} The collected values as an array.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Sep 21 2012 19:32:22 GMT+0900 (JST)